Afterstruggling over the years with all three of my babies to get them to latch and to make enough milk, I finally sought help. After one visit with Michelle, my 2 month old’s latch was corrected and my painful clogged ducts were gone. After two visits, I felt the freedom to enjoy breastfeeding and not feel guilty about supplementing when needed. Michelle has continued to support me through her Facebook group and for the first time in my life, I have found real JOY in breastfeeding and have filled the longing in my soul for a positive, bonding experience with my child. – Elizabeth
Michelle helped me realize that feeding my baby is only one part of mothering. Breast feeding had been an incredibly painful and frustrating journey that I was determined to succeed at despite the fact that it was a danger to my physical and mental health at times. She gave me permission to let go of the guilt and to embrace all the good I was doing for my child by loving and caring for him… no matter how I wound up feeding him.
It’s this kind of non-judgmental support and compassion that makes a truly great IBCLC. Someone who helps a new mother accept that breast is best until it’s not and embraces the fact that mamas and babies deserve compassionate guidance that takes their personal situation and experience into account instead of pushing an agenda of extreme “lactivism.”
Now Michelle is the IBCLC I recommend to my friends who are pregnant or struggling with breastfeeding. And she’ll be the first IBCLC I call when I’m expecting my next baby. – Adrienne
I wanted to give you a BIG thanks for being such a huge support! I’m still breastfeeding and supplementing and feel like without you, I would have given up breastfeeding completely. Thanks again!! – Whitney
I first met Michelle in the hospital after delivering my preemie son. She got me started pumping and helped me realize it was normal for my milk to take a few days to come in. She was also right there for my first nursing session. I was so nervous and she made the situation much less stressful. But I have to say the most wonderful thing that Michelle did for me happened a few weeks after we were discharged. I was home nursing and was so frustrated that my baby wasn’t gaining well. I spent many sessions in tears and didn’t know where to turn. On a whim I called the hospital and Michelle answered the phone. She took 45 mins out of a probably busy Saturday afternoon and put me completely at ease. She guided me to the proper amounts of milk to put into my bottles and explained a paced bottle feed. If she had been doing home visits I would have scheduled one instantly. I was so grateful to Michelle for taking the time and interest in our situation, even though we weren’t even under her care anymore. She also has an amazing Facebook page that has been a lifesaver many times during my nursing/formula feeding journey. Michelle is a patient and knowledgeable LC and I recommend her to anyone seeking help!
I just wanted to say thank you for all the support and guidance you gave me when my baby was born. Once my milk came in, we were able to wean off of the formula and my son has been latching on and breastfeeding ever since. I couldn’t have done it without you! You are the best!
– Sarah
Elizabeth Baxter Photography
Having been frustrated by the pain I was having nursing my new baby, and after discussing my issues with my pediatrician and other new mothers, I was referred to a local birthing center to meet with a lactation specialist. I am so glad I met Michelle, since I learned that the painful nursing was only one aspect of breastfeeding that I needed some help with. Because of Michelle I was able to address my son’s tongue tie, transfer issues, reflux issues, and was able to realize that supplementation isn’t the enemy to breastfeeding. I now pump, supplement, and breastfeed (without any pain!) my child and am confident with my choice thanks to the education provided by Michelle. – Nikki
When my 2nd child was born, she latched well on my right side- but rejected my left side (due to nipple inversion). Michelle suggested that I try to latch her on a few times a day without pressure. She also kept stressing that my baby would do just fine using only one side, if I decided to give up on “lefty.” I was pumping to keep up my supply and was getting very frustrated with the whole situation. After a few weeks, due to Michelle’s reassurances that it would be ok, I gave up trying on the left side, and….. my daughter and I had a healthy and happy THREE YEARS of single-side nursing! – Monica
Michelle, I want to take a moment and thank you. Today is one year of breastfeeding. Without your support literally the day after giving birth, I don’t think I would have made it to a month, let alone a full year and going. You validated that there was something wrong (a tongue & lip tie) and gently convinced me that the without having it corrected, my breastfeeding relationship would most likely be challenged. Thank you for supporting women in this amazing journey. You’re awesome! –Julie